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With electricity costs and data center energy demands on the rise, the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) industry is looking for innovative, eco-friendly power management solutions. DataSafe® HX+ batteries deliver them for a range of mission-critical power back-up applications.

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DataSafe® HX+ Batteries

DataSafe® HX+ Batteries

Low energy use and a lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)...

Featuring advanced Thin Plate Pure Lead (TPPL) technology, DataSafe HX+ batteries offer several operational and bottom-line benefits. TPPL technology gives DataSafe HX+ batteries excellent energy density, long design life, and fast, flexible recharging capabilities – all while reducing energy consumption and costs vs. conventional lead acid batteries.

Features and Benefits

  • Wide Wpc range of front and top terminal monoblocs
  • Specifically designed for high-rate discharge applications
  • Excellent power density
  • Long design life: 12+ years at 20oC
  • Low energy consumption
  • Low total cost of ownership

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1)Data Safe HX & HX Plus Performance Data